Kodokan Judo of Cape Coral (KJCC) was created to provide traditional training of one of the world’s most popular sports to children and adults of Southwest Florida. Kodokan Judo of Cape Coral is currently the only Judo school in Lee County and the 5th largest USJA school in the country.

The goal of KJCC is to train average people as Olympic level competitors

March 14th, 2020 - The 10th Annual Yoichiro Matsumura Judo Championships

Click here for application




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Our Dojo

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Cardio Kickboxing


Cardio Kickboxing Classes
Females $5 per class

Martial Arts Classes
1 Family Member $100 per month
2 Family Members $125 per month
3 Family Members $145 per month

Martial Arts Uniforms
GI Size Price
0 - 00 $65
2-3 $65
4-5 $65
6-7 $70

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